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Will it work?

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 7:38 pm
by sjace
Hi all, :wave:

Firstly, great site. :thumbup: Have no idea how i found it, but so glad i did! :clap:
Unfortunately, i dont have the funds to buy all the parts required. But thankfully after some gentle hints a spare tower with most parts needed was placed before me :D
However this does mean i need to ask a few questions...

I apologise if any of this has already been asked (did a few searches), or worse, is plain stupid :oops:
Both of these questions after some googling seem fairly apparent, although i'm hoping i'm wrong.

Firstly, the motherboard i now have requires ram, i've done some searching and it needs DDR, will this be up to the task?

Secondly, i have a few HDD's floating around, 1 in use, but they're all IDE.
For the moment i would only be streaming from the server from one place at a time (not pulling multiple streams), and most of my files are avi or mp3. Will IDE be acceptable until i can invest in a couple of SATA drives?

Re: Will it work?

Posted: October 26th, 2011, 8:15 pm
by Ian
Hello there and welcome to the forums :thumbup:

When people say nice things about my site I'm always happy to help them. Actually I am always happy to help anyone :crazy:

If you bung some DDR ram in there you'll be fine. The recommended minimum is something silly like 128MB of RAM but obviously more is better. 500MB should be plenty assuming you don't suddenly go mad with enthusiasm and start encoding multiple videos whilst streaming multiple uncompressed blu-rays.

Your drives will be fine too.

I used to stream multiple DVD streams from a NAS that was half the power of my mobile phone! I kid you not.

Have fun sir and let us know how you get on :thumbup:


Re: Will it work?

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 3:40 pm
by sjace
Cheers for that, time for some ram!

Ive been playing with PS3 media server for a few days on my laptop, just to check my media player was happy connecting to it (works fine).
I also downloaded UPnPlay onto my Android with the idea of using the phone plugged into an amp/speaker as my music renderer, i'm glad to say...
It works! :D Granted i've only tried it so far with mp3's, none the less, great app.

Time to get get building :geek: