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Scheduling flexRAID

Posted: June 2nd, 2011, 6:55 pm
by genghiskhen
I miss the status report in the old flexRAID. When I created a parity disk it reported a % complete. Version 2.0 just says the process started and I have never seen it report finished. I still think my flexRAID is setup, but I don't know how to tell. The data files were created on the parity disk.

Update: runs forever but I think it completed. I have seen it report an error when it got one.

The other options are Quick-Validate, Validate, and Verify: ... -validate/

I want to schedule a check once a day that updates my flexRAID. I think I need to schedule the Update command, but maybe I want the Validate command. I am pretty sure I don't want to run a Verify every day. The only way I know of to tell it ran is by enabling email notification. Is there another way?

Re: Scheduling flexRAID

Posted: June 2nd, 2011, 11:25 pm
by Ian
Hi there,

Once the array has been built the UI should say "100% completed". Another way you can tell is to look at the datestamp on all the parity files. As the build process progresses you should see the datestamp change on each of them until it gets to the very last file and then it updates the main Array "datafile" (not sure of the proper name for that file).

When any changes are made to the array data you should run "update". The other options are for verifying the array is up-to-date/valid.

On mine I run the Update command regularly the others I run once a week or when I feel like doing so.

I should add that 2.0 is "early days" and a lot of enhancements are planned. One of the most important being better progress reporting of the array building/validating process.


Re: Scheduling flexRAID

Posted: June 3rd, 2011, 10:59 pm
by genghiskhen
Thanks again!

I see the 100% complete; I am not sure how I missed it. I think my eyes were drawn to the process started message. I have my schedule set to update every morning at 3:00 am. I have email configured and tested. I have boxes checked to send email for all failed and successful tasks, but I don't see a way to send email for an update task. Email is how I used to know it ran and succeeded. It is also how I noticed that flexRAID had expired. Was this feature removed?

Re: Scheduling flexRAID

Posted: June 4th, 2011, 9:54 pm
by genghiskhen
OMG, there is an Active check box at the top of the email settings that I missed. That should solve my problem.