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Network Interfaces

Posted: April 4th, 2021, 1:13 am
by JasonKuhn
Assigning a Static IP in Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04.2 LTS

I’m a Linux newbie using your postings to create a media server. Thank you for a quite well-laid out cookbook. I’m installing Ubuntu as a server and not a desktop. I hit a small snag following your documentation in attempting to assign a static IP to my server. Upon rebooting, my server wasn’t picking up the assigned static IP. Initially I solved this by using Webmin to assign a static IP address.

Subsequently, after a little time on Google I discovered a few things I’d like to document for others.
(1) Ubuntu is no longer using the Debian installer. They are using Subiquity which differs from what is documented in small ways. This explained to me why partitioning my hard drive took a little digging and didn’t strictly agree with your documentation
(2) Networking is now handled via Netplan and the default network parameters are defined in /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml instead of /etc/network/interfaces