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MediaTomb/UpNp Problems

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 2:03 pm
by Aviator56
Hi All,
Thanks to this site I have built my first media server with the intention of using FireFly as my iTunes server and MediaTomb as the UpNp server for XBMC and Boxee on my home network.

I have successfully installed Ubuntu 10.04 onto a headless PC, have VNC and Webmin up and running and am getting to grips with Samba shares, file permissions etc that are a challenge to the Linux newbie I am.

I can access my Samba music share from Win Xp and can read it as my iTunes library but the same directory set as the FireFly music directory refuses to show up as a "shared directory" in iTunes! I have home sharing turned on etc and can shared my own iTunes library with others but only when I have the WinXP pc running with iTunes active - completely defeating my desire to host the music on a server.

If I fire up Rythmbox on the server FireFly immediately shows as a shared source.

Similarly MediaTomb can identify all my media on the server and build a database but appears not to be discoverable as a UpNp server.

Any clues where to start looking to resolve these issues will be gratefully received - thanks, regards, Nigel

Re: MediaTomb/UpNp Problems

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 7:37 pm
by Andy Horn
Hello Nigel, welcome to the forum.

I must confess I know nothing about FireFly, I do understand that a latter release if iTunes broke it in some way, if the bug has fixed I do not know, unless of course this breakage has been deliberately injected by the fruity vendor.

XBMC should be able to play your files without the need for a uPnP device, mine did although on an earlier build it needed a uPnP server because of permission problems and I have no idea why this problem occurred in the first place.

Sorry I can't offer you much help.


Re: MediaTomb/UpNp Problems

Posted: February 7th, 2012, 10:35 pm
by Aviator56
Andy, thanks for your prompt reply, I suspect you are correct about Firefly and the fruity vendor. I guess I'll have to revisit XBMC and sort out my file access issues.