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cloning virtual machine from one Ubuntu KVM to second server

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 3:59 pm
by ennpeehs
Hi, I have gone through HowTo documentation in this site on setting up Ubuntu KVM and is working fine with a dozen VMs running.

We bought a 2nd server as a backup and wanted to clone all the running VMs on 1st Ubuntu KVM server to 2nd Ubuntu KVM server. We wanted to keep the 2nd server ready with working VMs so that if 1st server go down, we can get continuity of services through 2nd server

I have seen documentations on this site and many other sites to clone a VM on to same machine / server. However, I do not see detailed steps on how to clone to 2nd server and test it without conflicting (example: IP address conflict) with primary VMs on 1st server.

Both servers are having only internal disks (RAID 5) and NO shared storage . How can we achieve this ?

Thanks in advance

Re: cloning virtual machine from one Ubuntu KVM to second se

Posted: June 15th, 2012, 12:50 pm
by mpompey
Couldn't you clone the VM instance copy to the new machine, and then change the mac address of the clone?

I'm using VMWare but that is basically the steps I've taken.