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Mounting/linking Automatically

Posted: October 20th, 2012, 10:32 pm
by SergeantBort
Okay, so I have a Samba file share as my storage media drive is NTFS.

It mounts and loads automatically on my main box, no issues there, and is open for my network... my issue is I have to manually add the links every time I reboot one of my virtual machines....

Any ideas, figure a script could just automatically do this.. but I am not truly sure where to start with that..

Re: Mounting/linking Automatically

Posted: October 20th, 2012, 10:45 pm
by SergeantBort
for reference the code I am currently using is

sudo smbmount // /mnt/media/movies -o user=username

for all of my sub folders of media on my ntfs samba drive, which is Movies, Music and Photos.

I don't just want a blank mount of the drive, as I use it for system and file back up's as well.