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KVM Install Blank Screen on Reboot

Posted: June 17th, 2013, 5:39 am
by raindess
Hey Everyone!

I could really use your help. I have been following the tutorial so far to install Ubuntu Server 12.04 on my HP Proliant N54L Microsever and seem to have reached a hard stopping point.

Long story short, the system was coming together just fine and I wasn't having any problems (well any from ubuntu anyways, a few n00b errors) but while following the KVM guide I sudo installed KVM and followed up with a reboot. Now my system refuses to boot into ubuntu server. I definitely can not putty in and plugging in to my server shows me a blank screen with a blinking cursor. I did a bit of research on the issue and here is a summary of what I tried

- Try and manually edit GRUB at boot-time by holding down Shift during boot. No luck with that because the failure/pause/whatever seems to occur before the held down shift is registered.
- Checked to see if virtualization is enabled in my bios. Yes, as far as I can tell but there doesn't appear to be any documentation on the N54L that requires turning this on.
- Cntrl+Alt+Delete DOES work when the blank screen shows up and from what I have read, this means that the kernel is still being responsive so any changes to the kernel as a result of installing kvm hasn't completely hosed everything.

Unfortunately, I no longer have my results for the "sudo egrep '(vmx|svm)' --color=always /proc/cpuinfo" command. But I am confident it was relatively in the format of an 'acceptable' output. Any advice anyone could offer me on how to resolve this would be much appreciated. Thank you for your patience!

Re: KVM Install Blank Screen on Reboot

Posted: June 18th, 2013, 6:46 am
by raindess
Hooo boy this is embarrassing. I fiddled with it some more today and decided to boot using the Ubuntu Boot Repair Disk. Saved down the data but didn't see anything broken and fixed the GRUB settings so they were set to what should work. Then I noticed that my drives were booting up weird... Turns out that my actual boot drive was being booted from last so for whatever reason my bios was trying to boot from a drive with no boot information?? Makes no sense to me. Anyways, I updated the bios settings to boot from my SSD and now everything is hunky dory. Time to continue down the path of virtualization! Thanks for reading!